Sunday, April 24, 2005



I was lying comfortably on my red sofa, watching the very funny "Simpsons" went suddenly my flatmate went out to the balcony and scream to me, ''RAINBOW!".
''RainbowSs'', I should say. There were TWO of them.
This is by far the biggest, closest, most gorgeous rainbow I had ever seen. Me and my flatmate was squeezing in the balcony, screaming, laughing and taking pictures. Oh yeah, we were insane. But trust me, you'll do the exact things me and my flatmate did if you were here in our shoes.

"You'll still see rainbow even during storm'', Amen...Posted by Hello

1 comment:

sunflowr said...

Upon seeing that really really beautiful picture you had, I had to go dig my old diary out! And this is what is says :


30 May 2002
Today, I saw 2 RAINBOWS!! And Pi Tom told me this - that God mentioned about rainbows in the bible. Here it is....

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all the living creatures of every kind."
- Genesis 9:13

God has once again assured us of His ever present presence! Awesome!


I was in a tribal village in Northern Chiangmai then. I'm sure the rainbow filled your heart with much gladness and hope!! Amen too!