Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Alisan National Park, 11th day in Taiwan

Our train ride up to Alisan mountain, call the "little red train". it was being built by the japanese during their occupation, to transport wood from the mountain.

we took a walk around the woods as we arrived. it was absolutely soothing.

its being dubbed "four sisters". fours trees grew on a very old tree trunk (which was being chopped off ages ago) by coincidence. nobody planted them!!

Before sunset (dedicated to AK)

Before Sunrise (this too!)

(half an hour after sunrise, sunrise time - 6.33am) We went to the peak of Alisan Mountain at 4 in the morning to wait for the sunrise. there was more than 100s of us waiting. this is the scene of the cloud and fog under us, shielding the valley in between from our sight. the sky was clear blue. if felt like heaven.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


things I found interesting about Taiwan up until now:

1. they speak loudly. specially aged citizens
2. (this is a common thing... but still...) left hand drive?!
3. some lady used garbage bag as suitcase (yeah.. for travelling...). awesome.
4. the amount of 7-11 on one street. it freaked me out!!
5. (now im glad about this) Chinese characters are bigger on road signs. my first time seeing this.

til then! peace out!