Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Touch Down

A txt in Auckland.

"Its a smooth touch dwn on auck, a sunny day, chillin breeze, clear blue sky, cloudless. still easy 2 spot d moon hanging in mid air, though its alrdy late morning. ppl towering over me, its overwhelming to c such fast pace scene after hiding for 6 mths in d suburb if welly. thought of a song suddenly, it goes "im leavin, on a jetplane, dun knw when i'll b bak again..."" 9.35 am, Jun 26th, 2005.


Anonymous said...

Aiiiya, we were just came out from the black water rafting. Still very wet, couldn't manage to text you back leh...

Anonymous said...

Grace: Bo go shib da,,...

SY: It was an awesome+fun trip, but it would be super hyper awesome+fun super duper exciting trip with you.....wahahaahaha(Published at 223)

Anonymous said...

u might want to update yourself about me thru my blog too ;p

check dat in friendster