Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I like... *updated*

I like a full-spreaded toast. I like each corner of the toast equally spreaded with butter, nutella or some other crap.

I like to scoop a tea spoon full of sugar and only drop half in my coffee, while the other half on the saucer, even though I know I only want half a tea spoon.

I like to drop the sugar at the side of the cup to not ruin the coffee foam. (thanks to AK.. haha)

I like to walk alone on the street with my head phones on, pretending not a single soul in this town knows me.

I like coffee, so much I couldnt live without it. but the fact is, just merely a year ago, I hated coffee like the devil.

I like to play the guitar, but can get really frustrated sometime when I failed to play what I want to play.

I like to have a few different groups of friends, so that when I fucked up in one, I can run away to another.

I like... well, I often expect a lot from people around, though I know I shouldn't have, and that they are not obligated to fulfull the expectation.

I like to hate myself sometimes. for every thing I am, and everything that I am yet to become.

I like Jazz, or more, I LOVE Jazz. its my life.

I learned more about myself today. some part ugly, some part not, but they are all me. me me and me.

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