Sunday, March 05, 2006

"Adam Lives in Theory"

why the inactiveness in here?

read paul's blog recently, she told everyone (or herself?) that she decided to blog more often. as she use to. and she did. While her cycle of writing-more-often rises, my cycle of emptiness kicks in. emptiness coz of emptiness? or emptiness coz of overwhelming thoughts (problems?) ?

I'd say its the latter.

quite often I found myself in this situation, sitting infront my computer with only my table lamp, all alone, in this "create new post" page, writing about how empty my empty head is, while there are a million things I want to shout out ( I'm sure you guys noticed..). finding it hard, I looked for alternative ways to speak out.

been spitting out some. soaking my new flatty with my problems, drowning him with my thoughts. I was lucky he didnt shout for a safety ring and struggle his way out of this pond. or lake. or ocean. or... what ever. In fact, he said, "you shouldn't be contemplating such thing, you should, while being rational, enjoy your life and be happy...". the easy part is knowing it, the hard part is the realization.

its these time where you find the smallest things can give life a sudden halt, stopping the time at the moment, when you're sitting in a park, listening to life music, with friends beside you, enjoying the sun and the crowd. its that moment where you lost touch with the world and connects to your inner joy. its that moment where you'll find peace and complete emptiness. its that moment where you know you're free from all the reality-ness, the problems. and you'll like it although you know its only temporary.

I had fun today. =)


Anonymous said...

hey bro ... good to hear you got a flat/ flatmate.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun today! It's good to hear that people one cares about has had a good day.