Friday, February 09, 2007

Some very nice people


AK and Elaine

1 comment:

LaiNe said...

I miss the

...first time I met you at ski trip (2005) when you asked me to look after your wallet.
...times that we actually met each other over coffee or just a chat.
...attempted cheesecake that you tried making for me and AK.
...advises that you gave me when I needed one.
...encouragements and support that you showed me when I was down. on your face of something or someone that has brought joy to your heart.
...times that we got to work together for AB.
...times when you used to teased me about my sighs.
...hugs that I used to get everytime I see you or just before I leave you.
...strumming of your guitar playing and singing.
...I miss all those things.
...Lastly, I miss you of all things.