Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Guide to A Successful Meeting

1. Think thoroughly about what to say before every phone call, best if able to rehearse it as a monologue first.

2. Review every official document for a minimum of 3 times, at least the grammar and spelling must be hundred percent correct. and then let some one else to review it for at least once.

3. Be fully prepared for every meeting, even casual once. most importantly, do not expect it to be casual.

4. always make sure you know what you are saying, before you say anything.

5. Prepared enough drinks to go round the table during a meeting. Make sure you know the amount of attendees before hand.

6. Always prepared an agenda of meeting, but only distribute when needed only. or else don't risk getting into trouble of disclosing non-disclosable information.

... so far what I've learnt... ...

*Disclaimer: the above mention is base solely on personal experience, it does not guarantee success. Its merely a guide. Should there be any dispute, the blogger is not liable to any compesation.

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