Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pleasant Surprise

Got an Email from Daniel a.k.a fart face, who was somewhere around Europe a few days ago, saying that he will be in transiting in Singapore for a couple of hours, before the flight back to New Zealand on Friday.

And so, I took a half day off work on Friday just so I can have a few rounds of lager & stout with my long lost friend, catch up. Though, long lost here equals a period of only 6 months. I have to admit I did struggled a bit while justifying my motive to take half day off work. you know..."have beers with friends and not work?! how are you gonna tell that to your boss?!"... I'd even have to pay my company 50 bucks back coz they've already banked in my pay cheque for the month. which sucks.

In the end, I wrote on the leave form no more than "urgent personal matters". and took off.

It was a tight 4 hours tour around the city, then dinner, then some drinks. Tom (Dan's mate) said the air in Singapore's so humid, he can feel the tiny water particles moving his leg hair. More exaggerating, he said he felt like he was swimming.

had a big rush in the end to the airport. They were suppose to board at 5 to 9, we were still Hi in some down town pub at 12 pass 8. it was a good 40 minutes transit to the airport from where we were. You get the idea.

Good times.

... "Your mind, to my mind, my mind, to your mind... your mind, to my ASS!!!"...

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