Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Just Another Morning

sitting on my chair in my cold cold room, facing my laptop. look out the window.

(thought: shit, its raining so heavily outside. just came back yesterday night from sydney, hoping today would be a nice day, could go for coffee or so...go away rain, go away...)

couldnt bare the bright reflection of the wet scene, I sweep my glance back to the screen.

(thought: last few days in this flat huh? gonna miss it... what should i have for breakfast? dont have any food... cant go out for food cause of the rain)

my mouth whispering the lyric of the song playing on my computer.

(thought: hm...)

(thought: hm...)

(thought: damn I'm hungry...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi,iz how are you?
heard that you've just graduated from university,so why don't come back? we can play football~
chen han and i both miss you.